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Who We Are?


Who We Are?


Healthy Bulls


Local Farmers

Little Farmer was founded by people who were concerned about the declining health and the injustice that was happening to bulls. At Little Farmer, we are a community of individuals deeply concerned about the detrimental effects of bad oils on the society and the injustices faced by our beloved bulls. Our mission is to embody purity and serve as protectors of our dear friends, the bulls.

We pride ourselves on embracing ancient methods and traditional techniques that have stood the test of time. Our products are crafted with a commitment to being chemical-free, ensuring that what you consume is as natural and wholesome as possible. By sourcing directly from farms, we guarantee freshness and authenticity in every product.

But our dedication doesn't stop at oils. Little Farmer also brings you pure ghee and natural honey, each product reflecting our unwavering commitment to quality and tradition. With Little Farmer, you’re not just choosing a product; you’re joining a movement towards a healthier lifestyle and a more humane world.
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Our Founders

Concerned about the fading traditional kitchen values, TN Kumar and N Ramya along with their bulls, wanted to give the market something healthier, something powered by ancient Indian ways that can empower bulls and farmers alike.

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TN Kumar

Being someone who has grown up with animals, I have always felt bad about the condition of bulls in India. At the same time I was worried about the ill effects of refined oils. I wanted to bring the old ways back to restore public health.

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N Ramya

I have always being fascinated about healthy cooking. From what I have observed in the food industry, every oil in the market in some way or the other is adulterated. I wanted to bring something that is not adulterated and pure to it's core.

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I believe in India's old traditional methods of doing things. So minimal yet so productive and most importantly, sustainable. I believe Little Farmer will be a new dawn in the Indian cooking oil industry.

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Why do we matter?


Why do we matter?

Women Empowerment

Our working units have a maximum of women because we believe in the empowerment of rural women.

Traditional Method

We employed a method that is both sustainable and reliable to create the best products.

Saving Bulls

We strive to save bulls by rescuing them and make sure they get everything they need.

Run by farmers

Little Farmer understands the importance of public health and creates products that focus on bettering everyone's health.

Rural Wealth Generation

One of our main accomplishments is to create scope for wealth generation in rural areas.

How Do We Do It?

Our Journey So Far